Source iCal CSV

UK, CDC Unambitious


Publication approach

Area Compliance Status
less than quarterly
open license
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Group Compliance Total
Organisation level
0.0% 0 of 4
50.0% 1 of 2
Basic activity information
20.0% 2 of 10
Geopolitical information
66.67% 2 of 3
71.43% 5 of 7
0.0% 0 of 2
Financial transaction
0.0% 0 of 3
Related documents
0.0% 0 of 1
0.0% 0 of 3
Average for all groups

Detailed results

The information in the following table is as provided by the publisher, except where changes have been made by Publish What You Fund staff (marked with the button changes, which you can click for details of changes).

Where a field has been scored, it is marked with a 1 icon. Where a field has not been weighted (for all donors) it is marked with a N/A icon. You can read more about the scoring methodology on the about page.

Level Field Compliance Publication date Notes Score? Changes?
Organisation level
Organisation Organisation documents
2012-10-31 CDC publishes its investment code and its investment strategy. changes
Organisation Recipient country budgets
Future publication
2012-10-31 CDC will publish the outstanding committment to each of the funds to which it has committed capital; and CDC will also publish the vintage and duration of each fund. Neither CDC nor its fund managers hold information about future investments by funds as future investments are governed by market opportunity changes
Organisation Organisation budget
Not applicable
CDC publishes its projected budget for investment commitments in its five year plan to 2016, but not by investment instrument and not by geography and sector as CDC does not hold this information due to the nature of its investment model, whereby decisions are made by fund managers (or CDC for direct debt and equity) on the basis of market opportunity.
Organisation Funded institution budgets
Future publication
2012-10-31 CDC will publish the outstanding committment to each of the funds to which it has committed capital; and CDC will also publish the vintage (year of inception) and duration of each fund. changes
Activity Reporting organisation
Fully compliant
2012-10-31 All CDC's IATI data is published by CDC Group plc and CDC's unique identifier is disclosed. 1 changes
Activity IATI Identifier
2012-10-31 CDC publishes a globally unique identifier for semi-aggregated flows at a country and sector level. CDC publishes a list of the current investments made by the funds in which CDC is invested, but CDC does not publish information about capital flows from the funds to the underlying investee businesses because this information is subject to commercial confidentiality. changes
Activity Other Identifier
Fully compliant
2012-10-31 CDC publishes internal project numbers to DAC and IATI at a semi-aggregated level. CDC publishes a list of the current investments made by the funds in which CDC is invested. N/A changes
Basic activity information
Activity Activity dates (End Date)
Future publication
2012-10-31 CDC will publish an introduction to CDC's IATI data, in which it will be stated that all investments are current, untied and aim to support the building of businesses in Africa and outh Asia, to create jobs and the infrastructure that enables jobs to be created. CDC will publish the duration of each fund in which it is invested (e.g. 10 years) alonside the vintage of each fund. Note that the duration of a fund may be extended if the fund's investors agree. changes
Activity Activity dates (Start Date)
Future publication
2012-10-31 CDC will publish an introduction to CDC's IATI data, in which it will be stated that all investments are current, untied and aim to support the building of businesses in Africa and outh Asia, to create jobs and the infrastructure that enables jobs to be created. CDC will publish the vintage (year from which investments can be made) of each fund in which it invests. CDC will also publish aggregated capital flows to each fund on an annual basis, as well as the total commitment and remaining outstanding commitment, in each year. CDC cannot publish more information about capital flows (e.g. sector/amount) as this could allow identification of commerically confidential information. changes
Activity Participating organisation (Accountable)
Not applicable
2012-10-31 N/A changes
Activity Participating organisation (Funding)
Future publication
2012-10-31 CDC will publish an introduction to CDC's IATI data, in which the funding, ownership and accountability structures related to CDC will be set out. Note that DFID is the sole shareholder of CDC, but does not provide CDC with 'funding'; rather CDC invests from its own balance sheet. CDC already publishes the identity of each of its funds and fund managers ('extending organisation'). 1 changes
Activity Participating organisation (Implementing)
Future publication
2012-10-31 1 changes
Activity Participating organisation (Extending)
Future publication
2012-10-31 N/A changes
Activity Title (Agency language)
CDC publishes internal project numbers to DAC and IATI at a semi-aggregated level. CDC publishes a list of the current investments made by the funds in which CDC is invested. changes
Activity Title (Recipient language)
Activity Description (Agency language)
CDC publishes internal project numbers to DAC and IATI at a semi-aggregated level. CDC publishes a list of the current investments made by the funds in which CDC is invested. changes
Activity Description (Recipient language)
Activity Contact information
2012-10-31 DEFINE SYSTEM? On CDC's own website CDC publishes the website address (if available) of all the fund managers that manage funds to which CDC has committed capital. changes
Activity Activity status
Future publication
2012-10-31 CDC will publish an introduction to CDC's IATI data, in which it will be stated that all investments are current, untied and aim to support the building of businesses in Africa and outh Asia, to create jobs and the infrastructure that enables jobs to be created. changes
Geopolitical information
Activity Recipient country
Fully compliant
2012-10-31 CDC publishes information about capital flows to fund managers at a sector, country and (where applicable) regional level on a semi-aggregated basis. 1 changes
Activity Recipient region
Fully compliant
2012-10-31 CDC publishes information about capital flows to fund managers at a sector, country and (where applicable) regional level on a semi-aggregated basis. 1 changes
Activity Sub-national geographic location
Not publishing now
CDC does not target investments at a sub-national locations so CDC does not hold this information.
Activity Flow type
Fully compliant
2012-10-31 CDC publishes information for capital flows that shows the classification of the flow as either ODA or OOF. 1 changes
Activity Sector (DAC CRS)
Fully compliant
2012-10-31 All CDC's fund investments are current, untied and aim to support the building of businesses in Africa and South Asia, to create jobs and the infrastructure that enables jobs to be created. All CDC's DAC and IATI semi-aggregated capital flows are classified by sector. 1 changes
Activity Sector (Agency specific)
Fully compliant
2012-10-31 All CDC's fund investments are current, untied and aim to support the building of businesses in Africa and South Asia, to create jobs and the infrastructure that enables jobs to be created. All CDC's DAC and IATI capital flows are classified by sector. N/A changes
Activity Tied aid status
Fully compliant
2012-10-31 CDC will publish an introduction to CDC's IATI data, in which it will be stated that all investments are current, untied and aim to support the building of businesses in Africa and outh Asia, to create jobs and the infrastructure that enables jobs to be created. 1 changes
Activity Policy marker
Not publishing now
All CDC's fund investments are current, untied and aim to support the building of businesses in Africa and South Asia, to create jobs and the infrastructure that enables jobs to be created. CDC does not measure its performance against CRS policy indicators.
Activity Collaboration type
Future publication
2012-10-31 CDC will publish information for each fund investment that will identify the type of collaboration as intermediated, direct or otherwise. changes
Activity Finance type
Fully compliant
2012-10-31 CDC publishes information for capital flows that shows the classification of the flow as either debt or equity. 1 changes
Activity Aid type
Fully compliant
2012-10-31 CDC publishes information for capital flows that shows the classification of the flow as pooled funds or other types. 1 changes
Activity Budget identifier (Administrative/functional)
Activity Budget identifier (Economic)
Activity Budget
Not publishing now
DEFINITION OF ACTIVITY? CDC will publish the outstanding committment to each of the funds to which it has committed capital; and CDC will also publish the vintage and duration of each fund; and CDC will also publish the geographic scope of the fund which may be regional, global or include several countries
Activity Planned disbursement
Not publishing now
DEFINITION OF ACTIVITY? CDC will publish the outstanding committment to each of the funds to which it has committed capital; and CDC will also publish the vintage and duration of each fund; and CDC will also publish the geographic scope of the fund which may be regional, global or include several countries
Financial transaction
Activity Transactions (Reimbursement)
2012-10-31 CDC publishes information about reimbursements, including loan repayments, from fund managers at a sector, country and (where applicable) regional level on a semi-aggregated basis N/A changes
Activity Transactions (Disbursement / Expenditure)
Fully compliant
2012-10-31 CDC publishes information about capital flows to fund managers at a sector, country and (where applicable) regional level on a semi-aggregated basis changes
Activity Transactions (Incoming Funds)
2012-10-31 CDC publishes information about reimbursements, including loan repayments, from fund managers at a sector, country and (where applicable) regional level on a semi-aggregated basis. CDC publishes information about funding (i.e. that CDC does not receive funding from its shareholder) on its website and annual reporting documents such as the Report and Accounts. changes
Activity Transactions (Commitment)
2012-10-31 CDC publishes all of its new committment each year on its website, via press releases and in it statuatory annual report documents. The IATI system does not permit puiblication of this information. changes
Activity Transactions (Loan repayment / interest repayment)
2012-10-31 CDC publishes information about reimbursements, including loan repayments, from fund managers at a sector, country and (where applicable) regional level on a semi-aggregated basis N/A changes
Related documents
Activity Activity website
Fully compliant
2012-10-31 CDC publishes a list of the underlying investments made by funds in which it has capital invested. CDC also publishes some detailed case studies of underlying investments, but this is not comprehensive. CDC publishes links to fund manager websites where these are available. N/A changes
Activity Related activity
2012-10-31 CDC does not publish information about activities related to its investments as it does not hold this information. N/A changes
Activity Activity documents
2012-10-31 CDC publishes a list of the underlying investments made by funds in which it has capital invested. CDC also publishes some detailed case studies of underlying investments, but this is not comprehensive. CDC publishes links to fund manager websites where these are available. changes
Activity Conditions (Attached Y/N)
2012-10-31 changes
Activity Conditions (Text)
2012-10-31 XCDC publishes its investment code to which all recipients of CDC capital must adhere. changes
Activity Results
2012-10-31 CDC publishes information about the evaluation system that is applied to each fund investment at the midpoint and end of each fund's duration. The results of each evaluation are commercially confidential and therefore data is published only on an aggregated or non-attributed basis. changes